A Data & Analytics stack built within four weeks

The opportunity

Being able to effectively use data in your company business processes sharply boosts company performance. Data driven companies are 15-20 times more profitable than non data driven companies and make better decisions by infusing their daily operations with high quality insights. Setting up a data platform is the first step in becoming more data driven.

The problem

Getting started with a Data & Analytics platform can be difficult. There is a plethora of technologies and tools to choose from and selecting the tools that best fit your needs is a decision that is difficult to reverse. Furthermore, setting up the platform requires dedicated, specialised effort and time that most SME companies don’t have. Finally, it can be challenging to see the full potential business value upfront if one is not familiar with the possibilities a Data & Analytics platform can deliver.

The solution

Our Lean Analytics Setup is a proven method to setup your data platform. In just four weeks, we'll help you build a fully functional data & analytics stack that includes automated data extraction from your main source systems, a data warehouse and data visualisation tooling. This delivers automated and actionable business insights that help your organisation thrive.

Step 1. Preparation phase

We start by assessing your main KPIs and their source data. Working collaboratively, we select the most suitable cloud platform, data warehouse provider, and data visualization tools for your organization's unique situation.

Step 2. Build phase

Once the objectives, platform and tools are clear, we setup the infrastructure and build the data & analytics stack within several weeks. Our internally developed boilerplate code and methodology enable a rapid rollout without unnecessary complexity. Our solution is compatible with all major cloud providers and most leading data warehousing and business intelligence tools.

Step 3. Handover phase

Our solution is turnkey. Following a handover session and a final presentation, you'll be equipped to extract greater value from your data independently.

Our Key Principles for fast and robust implementation delivering business value:

  1. Prefer off-the-shelf services over custom development.

  2. Focus on the KPIs that matter most.

  3. Collaborate with a top-tier team of domain experts from our network.

POINT05 data platform setup using our lean analytics methodology

Interested in learning more? Contact us now to start harnessing the full potential of your data.


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